Medical Detox in Cincinnati, OH

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, a lot of people are under the wrong impression about how addiction works. They assume that overcoming addiction is entirely mental, but the reality is that addiction is just as much physical as it is mental. And because it is a chronic disease, it requires treatment and one of the treatments that every person with an addiction should opt for is medical detox. Drug Detox Centers Cincinnati is here to connect you with the right detox program for you.

Detox and Medical Detox

Detox (the more commonly used term for detoxification) is the step in addiction treatment that gets the addicted substance out of the person’s body, down to the very last small traces. Medical detox is a means of going through that process under the direct supervision of medical professionals (namely doctors, mental health professionals, and highly trained nurses).

Why Medical Detox is the Right Choice

Medical detox is the best option for the detox process for several reasons. The physical side of addiction can be much more intense than many people expect. When a person has abused drugs or alcohol, they do not fully understand what is happening inside of their body. The chemicals in the drug or alcohol interact with the cells in the brain and nervous system, triggering various responses. As a person continues to chronically abuse drugs or alcohol, the brain adjusts the way it is structured and how it functions to accommodate those interactions.

Because the brain has physically changed, denying it the addicted substance causes the person to go into withdrawals as the brain attempts to normalize again. Withdrawals feel excruciating at times and can cause a person attempting to detox without medical supervision to revert back to substance abuse to stop their discomfort. However, with support and guidance from medical professionals, a person is more likely to make it through the process without giving up.

Additionally, medical detox offers the possibility of having prescription medications administered during the process to reduce the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms. Detox can also have potentially dangerous side effects, like seizures, psychosis, and issues with breathing and the heart rate. Under medical supervision in medical detox, these potentially severe symptoms can be managed and treated to prevent permanent damage or death.

Medical Detox is Just the First Step of Recovery

Recovering from an addiction is not just about breaking the physical addiction (dependence) that the brain and body have on the drug. It is also about learning to better cope with the world around them and to be able to recognize the triggers in their life that could lead them back down the path towards substance abuse. Nobody starts abusing drugs or alcohol without a reason and if a person does not face those reasons and get treatment to help them address their personal reasons, then detox will not successfully keep them sober in the long-term.

Treatment for the mental side of an addiction can be done though inpatient or outpatient drug treatment programs and involves both traditional and alternative treatment options to help a person identify their triggers and develop ways to cope with them (like taking up hobbies, attending group meetings, etc…) that are productive and healthy.

Drug Detox Centers Cincinnati offers you connections to the medical detox and the additional treatments you need to overcome your drug or alcohol addiction. When you are ready to break the cycle of drug abuse, just give us a call at (513) 914-4554 to get the recovery process started.